Details for modes in NitroTyper_v5.5 - An AutoTyper for NitroType

Technical details of NitroTyper Bot

This blog post is dedicated to all users of the NitroTyper bot who want to learn more about the tool in order to gain 100% control over their typing stats on nitrotype. After going through this post, you will get enough information to use the hack as an advanced user.

NitroType AutoTyper 2025 Details
AutoTyper for NitroType - v5.5 Details


NitroTyper 5.5.x is able to perform tasks in following manner on nitrotype.

Feature Availability
Speed (WPM) Range 1 🐢 - 11000 🚀
Accuracy Range 85%-100%
Speed Randomization Range +10 WPM to -10 WPM
General Race Works ✅
Invited Races Works ✅
Safe Spped 180 WPM
Undetactable below Safe Speed? Yes ✅
Minimum Delay between Two Races 4000ms
Maximum Delay between Two Races 30000ms
Speed Randomization Available ✅
Accuracy Randomization Available ✅
Nitro Randomization Available ✅
Skips Longest Word using Nitro? Yes ✅
Types at Constant Speed during a Race? No ❌
Types with Ups and Downs in Speed? Yes ✅
Simulates Human like Typing? Yes ✅

Graph of random deviation from desired WPM

To achieve human like typing behaviour, some parts to the lesson gets typed with above average WPM while some parts are typed with below average WPM. This behaviour is completely random every time. The following graph shows the deviation from actual WPM in three consecutive races.

Ban Protection feature of AutoTyper
AutoTyper Ban Protection using Randomization

Modes of AutoTyper and its usages

NitroTyper 5.5.x comes with a following 5 modes, all are described below in detail.

* Test   : For testing purposes      : Code = 0
* Single : One race per setup        : Code = 1
* Multi  : Upto 2500 races per setup : Code = 2
* Advance: Custom Setup & 2500 races : Code = 3
* Pick-up: Pick up config from file  : Code = 4

Test Mode: Code = 0

When this mode is selected, the bot will perform a single race. The typing speed will be a randomly generated number between 40 to 90. Accuracy will be anywhere in the range of 85% to 100%. Nitro will not be used. Please see the table below for complete information.

Variable Behavior in Test Mode
Number of Race(s) 1
Speed Random (40 wpm to 90 wpm)
Accuracy Random (85% to 100%)
Nitro Off
* Select Typing Mode Code: 0
* All Set.

This mode is recommended to first time users because other modes require a lot of input that could sometime be overwhelming. So, test mode can do one race with above settings, no questions asked.

Single Mode: Code = 1

Using this mode, a single race can be done with desired speed, accuracy and nitro setting. The user have to input the values for three variables. Refer following table for complete information.

Variable Behavior in Single Mode
Number of Race(s) 1
Speed (WPM) User Input [Integer] (1 to 11100)
Accuracy Percentage User Input [Integer] (85 to 100)
Use Nitro? User Input [Bool] (0 for no, 1 for yes)
* Select Typing Mode Code: 1
* Enter Speed (< 11100): 147
* Enter Accuracy (>= 85): 93
* Use Nitro (0 = N, 1 = Y): 1
* All Set.

With the above settings, bot will do one race with 147 wpm and 93% accuracy. It will also use one nitro boost to skip the largest word of the lesson. Use this mode when you want to pin-point your speed and accuracy.

Multi Mode: Code = 2

This mode is used to perform multiple races in single session. The bot will keep typing and automatically navigate to the next race till the desired number of races are done. The user have to input the values for seven variables. Refer following table for complete information.

Variable Behavior in Multi Mode
Number of Race(s) User Input [Integer] (1 to 2500)
Base Speed (WPM) User Input [Integer] (1 to 250)
Randomize Speed? User Input [Bool] (0 for no, 1 for yes)
Deviates Base Speed in every race by a number in the range of +10 to -10
Accuracy Percentage User Input [Integer] (85 to 100)
Randomize Accuracy? User Input [Bool] (0 for no, 1 for yes)
Overrides fixed accuracy
Random Accuracy in every race, range is 85% to 100%
Use Nitro? User Input [Bool] (0 for no, 1 for yes)
Randomize Nitro use? User Input [Bool] (0 for no, 1 for yes)
Overrides fixed nitro use setting
Only 60% chance of using the Nitro boost
* Select Typing Mode Code: 2
* Number of Races (< 2500): 25
* Enter Speed (<= 250): 90
* Randomize Speed (0 = N, 1 = Y): 1
* Enter Accuracy (>= 85): 95
* Randomize Accuracy (0 = N, 1 = Y): 1
* Use Nitros (0 = N, 1 = Y): 1
* Randomize Nitro Use (0 = N, 1 = Y): 0
* All Set.

With the above settings, bot will do 25 race with speed of each lesson ranging from 80 wpm to 100 wpm (i.e. 90-10 to 90+10). Every race will have different accuracy ranging from 85% to 100%. Nitro will be used in every race. This mode is recommended for the users who intend to do not more than 50 races in a day.

Advance Mode: Code = 3

This mode has all the functionality of multi mode and also provided two additional options for the users who are getting disqualified frequently due to network issue or any other reason. These two options are explained below for better understanding.

'Disqualification Shield' is used when you are getting disqualified very often and bot is running unattended. It refreshes the page in case any lesson is not received in one minute, the bot will do 5 refresh attempts to obtain the lesson.

Delay between two races is used to control the timing for starting the next race. It is useful for players who have slow internet connection. The default timing is 4000ms i.e. 4 seconds and it works well for most of the users. It can be set as a range in advance mode, for example when maximum delay is 10000ms and minimum is 5000ms, the next races will start after 6 sec, 7 sec or any duration between the limit.

Variable Behavior in Adv. Mode
Number of Race(s) User Input [Integer] (1 to 2500)
Upper Limit of WPM User Input [Integer] (1 to 250)
Lower Limit of WPM User Input [Integer] (1 to 250)
Upper Limit of Accuracy User Input [Integer] (85 to 100)
Lower Limit of Accuracy User Input [Integer] (85 to 100)
Use Nitro? User Input [Bool] (0 for no, 1 for yes)
Randomize Nitro use? User Input [Bool] (0 for no, 1 for yes)
Overrides fixed nitro use setting
Only 60% chance of using the Nitro boost
Minimum Delay between races (ms) User Input [Integer] (4000 to 30000)
Maximum Delay between races (ms) User Input [Integer] (4000 to 30000)
Disqualification and Timeout Shield? User Input [Bool] (0 for no, 1 for yes)
* Select Typing Mode Code: 3
* Number of Races (< 2500): 150
* Enter Upper Limit of Speed (<= 250): 65
* Enter Lower Limit of Speed: 53
* Enter Upper Limit of Accuracy (<= 100): 98
* Enter Lower Limit of Accuracy (>= 85): 92
* Use Nitros (0 = N, 1 = Y): 1
* Randomize Nitro Use (0 = N, 1 = Y): 0
* Minimum Delay between races (>= 4000  ms): 5000
* Maximum Delay between races (<= 30000 ms): 8000
* Disqualification and Timeout Shield? (0 = N, 1 = Y): 1
* All Set.

With the above settings, bot will do 150 race with speed of each lesson ranging from 53 wpm to 65 wpm. Every race will have different accuracy ranging from 92% to 98%. Nitro will be used in every race. Next race starting time will be between 5 seconds to 8 seconds. In case the lesson is not received by bot in the events like timeout disqualification, the bot will refresh the page to obtain new lesson. This mode is recommended for the users who are using the bot for long sessions of overnight unsupervised typing.

Pick-up Mode: Code = 4

This mode is same as advance mode where you can specify every variable. The benefit of this mode is that you don't have to input the variables on each run of the bot. You can modify the ntconfig.json file using any text editor such as notepad and set the parameters as per your nitrotype profile requirements.

  "races": 60,
  "speed_max": 87,
  "speed_min": 63,
  "speed_rand": false,
  "accuracy_max": 97,
  "accuracy_min": 89,
  "accuracy_rand": false,
  "nitro": true,
  "nitro_rand": false,
  "next_race_delay_max": 4500,
  "next_race_delay_min": 4100,
  "shield_disqualification": true

The default settings of ntconfig.json file is reproduced above. It is adviced that you only modify the five fields, i.e. 'races', 'speed_max', 'speed_min', 'accuracy_max' and 'accuracy_min' as per your need.

Download AutoTyper Bot v5.5 - for Windows/Mac/Ubuntu

This nitrotype hack bot can be download using the following link. It works on all major operating systems.


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